Successful China Marketing Strategies: Lessons from Evernote

How did Evernote managed to do great in China while famous internet giants failed miserably? Here are the reasons behind Evernote China success story.

China B2B Marketing Success: 12 Most Common Questions

Understanding China B2B marketing environment is the key to success in this market. Here are the 12 Q&As on this topic we have put together for our readers.

China Marketing Alternative: 360 Search PPC Campaign

Baidu isn’t the only choice for China SEM. Thanks to lower CPC, 360 Search PPC campaign offers a cost-effective alternative for China marketers.

Building Chinese Website: 15 Points Checklist

Building Chinese website for brands isn’t as straight forward task as in the case of other markets. Here is our comprehensive list of 15 points to consider for building Chinese websites for brands.

How to Setup Live Support for Chinese Website

Having been spoiled by Taobao, China’s online consumers often expect instant live support for Chinese website. Here is how to do it easily and cheaply.

Checklist for Building your China Web Presence

Getting serious about setting up Chinese website for your business? Here are the top 10 items on your China web presence check list.

WeChat Marketing Checklist: Where Should You Place WeChat QR Code

Scanning WeChat QR code is the primary method for the followers to subscribe to a WeChat account but where should you display it? Here is the checklist.

9 Points Checklist for Building Your Chinese Landing Page

Are you looking to promote your brand in China? Building local web presence with Chinese landing page should be the first step. Read our 9 points checklist to guide you on how to localize your landing page for Chinese market.

Looking for love in China? The List of 8 Most Popular Chinese Dating Apps

Looking for a lifetime partner, casual date, romantic dinner or a quick hook up in China – check out our list of 8 most popular Chinese dating apps

5 Common Misconceptions About WeChat Marketing

WeChat can be a powerful marketing tool in China but it’s important to realize its limitations. Here are 5 common misconception about WeChat marketing.

Our China Blog

Competitive Research in China, Part I: Baidu Search

Competitive Research in China, Part I: Baidu Search

Every proper marketing campaign in any market should first start with market research. Fortunately, it doesn’t always have to be an expensive market study, complete with complex competitive analysis and forecasts. Often times, a simple internet research, such as with Baidu search engine, would do just fine, but, of course, you should first know where and how to look.

This post is the first one in the upcoming three part series covering basic market research in China. read more…

Looking for love in China? The List of 8 Most Popular Chinese Dating Apps

Looking for love in China? The List of 8 Most Popular Chinese Dating Apps

Online dating in China has never been bigger and Chinese dating apps are where the action is. Looking for a lifetime partner, casual date, romantic dinner or a quick hook up – rest assured that there is an app for it in China, although it isn’t the one you are familiar with at home.

Here is our review of the most popular Chinese dating apps:

Chinese Payment Systems Overview: AliPay vs. WeChat Pay vs. Union Pay

Chinese Payment Systems Overview: AliPay vs. WeChat Pay vs. Union Pay

Understanding the ecosystem of Chinese payment systems is a prerequisite to setting up a successful sales strategy in this market. It is also one of the many aspects of Chinese market that is considerably different from what we are familiar with in other markets.

Relying on traditional payment systems such as credit cards or PayPal is simply not going to work in China. In fact, if you are planning to sell anything to Chinese consumers, there are only three viable options. read more…

How Does Advertising on Youku Work

How Does Advertising on Youku Work

Watching and sharing videos through social media is one of the most frequent and beloved activities of a typical China’s internet user. Due to YouTube’s inaccessibility from the Mainland, Youku has been the main video hosting service in China for some time. Since Youku‘s merger with Tudou, the second largest video host, back in 2012, Youku-Tudou is estimated to hold about 60% of the total online video market share in China.

Recent statistics show that there were about 430 million online video users in China and this number has been steadily growing at the annual rate of between 12 to 15% since 2007: read more…

Advertising Options with Youku

Advertising Options with Youku

Advertising on Youku, China’s largest video host, has its similarities as well as significant differences with YouTube in ways ads are displayed and priced. Here is an overview of different advertising options with Youku with the visual description of how each of them works.

read more…

Why Do Chinese Websites Seem So Cluttered?

Why Do Chinese Websites Seem So Cluttered?

Ever wondered why popular Chinese websites seem so cluttered compared to their Western counterparts? Should you follow this trend in your Chinese website design or stick to the modern look? Let us help you decide.

If you have spent some time looking at Chinese ecommerce websites, you can’t help but notice how incredibly cluttered they look. In fact, most of that apparent clutter is a result of link-heavy nature of Chinese internet in general.

What might strike a Westerner as an overwhelming overload of information is likely to be perceived as a content rich and intuitive site by the Chinese.

Here are just a few examples of the most popular sites in China: read more…

International Education in China

International Education in China

In the last few years, international education in China has been an exceptionally fast growing sector. According to the latest numbers from International School Consultancy (ISC) Group, China is currently in the second place (after UAE) by the number of international schools in the country. Globally, international education is a rapidly growing market where demand far outstrips supply. Between 2009 and 2013, international school enrollment grew by 42% to 3.4 million while the number of schools increased by a third to 6,734. read more…

Email Marketing Campaign in China, Part 2: Best Practices for Content Creation

Email Marketing Campaign in China, Part 2: Best Practices for Content Creation

Last week we looked at design rules for effective email marketing campaign in China. This time we are going to look into content.

Obviously, the content of an email marketing campaign in China is just as critical as its graphics and structure. Therefore, it is important to make sure that email’s content complies with the rules and regulations that may be different in China compared to other jurisdictions.

General rules about content for email marketing campaign in China

Headline is, by far, the most important part of an email. There is much better chance for a recipient to continue reading the email if the headline appears interesting or intriguing enough rather than generic and bland. Everything that follows afterwards should be presented in the order of decreasing level of importance. read more…

Chinese EDM Checklist, Part 1: Designing Emails That Work in China

Chinese EDM Checklist, Part 1: Designing Emails That Work in China

When it comes to designing an email for Chinese EDM campaign, there are few rules to keep in mind. Let’s have a closer look at the main design elements of an email template.

Main design elements to use with Chinese EDM campaign


The best eye catching email designs often include an image at the top. This would be the first and most visible part of the email, therefore it should always have a purpose. In some cases, a logo would do too as long as it reinforces an already familiar brand. read more…

China Cybersecurity Law: 5 Things You Should Know

China Cybersecurity Law: 5 Things You Should Know

Chinese internet overseeing authority has  completed implementing China cybersecurity law which was first introduced at the end of 2016. The law was aimed at tightening state control over the internet by Chinese government. Although some of the practices that the law describes were not new and have already been implemented informally by many companies operating in China prior to the law taking effect, this act prescribed specific guidelines and punishments for non-compliance.

The latest China cybersecurity law have had broad implications to technology companies operating in the Mainland. It also covers wide range of areas which were not explicitly defined up until the enactment of the law. read more…

Overview of Baidu PPC Advertising, Best Practices

Overview of Baidu PPC Advertising, Best Practices

As long as Baidu remains the largest search engine in China, Baidu PPC advertising should always be the first choice among pay-per-click campaigns for businesses looking to reach Chinese audience.

In general, the reason Baidu PPC advertising can be highly effective is the fact that users who are actively searching for something already have a buying intent. It means that they are more likely to convert, in other words to become the actual customers compared to those who are passively looking at ads or are still in the process of discovery of a specific product or service. read more…

Banner Ads in China

Banner Ads in China

Banner ads in China are still a fairly effective channel to advertise and, on average, Chinese are more receptive to this type of advertising compared to internet users in western countries. Ad blocking software and plugins have been, so far, more common in the West than in China where banner advertising is a rapidly growing business.

Also, the type of banners ads  that are considered to be more effective in China tend to be flashier and more animated, something that Western users typically find most annoying. read more…

Learn all about China digital marketing here:


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