How WeChat App Is Changing Restaurant Business in China

How WeChat App Is Changing Restaurant Business in China

WeChat app is transforming daily lives of millions of people in China. This is how it helps restaurants to run more efficiently and deliver better value. Recent proliferation of Western style coffee shops and fancy restaurants gave rise to the new trend of ordering...
Prospects of Facebook Marketing in China

Prospects of Facebook Marketing in China

As almost everyone knows, one of the unique features of Chinese digital marketing landscape compared to the rest of the world is seeming irrelevance of Facebook, one of the world’s largest digital advertisers. As a result, Facebook marketing in China...
Live Streaming in China and the Rise of New Type of KOLs

Live Streaming in China and the Rise of New Type of KOLs

In the last 2 plus years, live streaming in China has been reshaping the ways people use mobile internet becoming the latest craze in the country. The phenomenon has also given rise to a new type of live-streamer KOLs (key opinion leaders). According to China Internet...
Top 10 Most Popular Mobile Apps in China

Top 10 Most Popular Mobile Apps in China

Mobile apps continue to play central role in Chinese smartphone revolution. Most popular mobile apps in China have been developed by either Tencent or Baidu, two rival tech giants, although other companies are not far behind. Communication, browsing mobile internet,...

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