5 Unique Taobao App Features That Boost Sales On Mobile

5 Unique Taobao App Features That Boost Sales On Mobile

More than half of the sales on China’s largest ecommerce platform, Taobao, are going through its mobile app. Browsing through Taobao products on a smartphone has become one of the most popular past times of Chinese mobile users after using WeChat. Here are the...
Basics of China Keyword Research: Measuring Search Trends

Basics of China Keyword Research: Measuring Search Trends

One of the foundations of successful online strategy in any market is keyword research and China is no exception. Since the familiar tools such as Google keyword planner are irrelevant here, China keyword research must be done with the local equivalents. All of the...
Why O2O in China Keeps Growing

Why O2O in China Keeps Growing

O2O, which stands for Online to Offline (or, sometimes Offline to Online) has been one of the hottest topics in marketing in the last couple of years. It has been identified as a trillion dollar opportunity by TechCrunch as well called the industry’s...

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