What Affects Email Delivery in China? Part 2

What Affects Email Delivery in China? Part 2

I’m continuing with how to avoid email delivery mistakes and improve your campaign delivery results. In the article What Affects Email Delivery in China? Part 1, you were able to read about spam filters, anti-spam policy and spam traps. Let’s move on with in-time...
What Affects Email Delivery in China? Part 1

What Affects Email Delivery in China? Part 1

There are many email marketing platforms to choose from that are effective and inexpensive. However, when it comes to Chinese market, the choice remains fairly limited. All the most well-known email marketing platforms in the West, such as MailChimp...
Infographic: Integrated Marketing Plan for Chinese Market

Infographic: Integrated Marketing Plan for Chinese Market

Do you have a product or service that you would like to promote in China but are not sure how to go about it? How do you start? What tools should you use? How to integrate all of those channels into one cohesive and effective marketing strategy? Although the digital...
Marketing on Chinese Financial News Portals in China

Marketing on Chinese Financial News Portals in China

In the last few years and thanks to booming economy, Chinese have become enthusiastic consumers of financial news. Most recently, this trend was further stimulated by high stock market returns with even more potential investors looking to take advantage of the stocks...
Advertising on China’s Professional Networking Sites: Ushi.com

Advertising on China’s Professional Networking Sites: Ushi.com

Traditionally, there haven’t been too many options for B2B marketers in China: Alibaba.com is not suitable for everyone and has a reputation of being associated with lower quaility products and services. Online and print magazines, as well as industry...

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