Tencent Rivals Facebook in Total Number of Social Media Users

Tencent Rivals Facebook in Total Number of Social Media Users

Not many people doubt the fact that Facebook outnumbers any social media platform in terms of world wide number of users. In addition to claiming over 1.3 billion accounts, Facebook has further solidified its top position in mobile space by acquiring hugely successful...
30+ Types of Integrated Functionalities of Third Party WeChat Apps

30+ Types of Integrated Functionalities of Third Party WeChat Apps

The most popular Chinese social media service, WeChat, has become much more that just a chat app. For the last 1.5 years, Tencent, the internet giant behind WeChat, has been building the entire ecosystem of interrelated services and functionalities that can...
Infographic: China’s Mobile Users’ Behaviour – Android vs. iOS

Infographic: China’s Mobile Users’ Behaviour – Android vs. iOS

This infographic compiled by Guohead.com shows the behaviour patterns of Android vs. iOS users in China. While the data from 2012 may be slightly outdated, the general usage patterns seem to be still holding up today. With the market share of Android being twice...

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