Online Fraud in China Digital Advertising Is Its Biggest Problem

Online Fraud in China Digital Advertising Is Its Biggest Problem

The main reason why online advertising has overtaken traditional channels in almost every area is that it is more measurable, thus can be made more effective. However, what undermines this efficiency is the proliferation of fraud in the form of “non-human”...
9 Points Checklist for Building Your Chinese Landing Page

9 Points Checklist for Building Your Chinese Landing Page

Building Chinese landing page that targets visitors in China requires taking into account an additional set of guidelines besides the typical requirements for landing pages. First, let start with the definition of – a landing page (or LP) is where your potential...
Competitive Research in China, Part II: Chinese Marketplace Sites Search

Competitive Research in China, Part II: Chinese Marketplace Sites Search

This post is the second part on conducting basic market research in China and it is about searches on Chinese marketplace sites. In the first part, we have discussed using Baidu for basic market research with search engines. If you are selling a physical product, one...

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