In this post, we’d like to share a new Infographic by Hylink on Chinese Millennials – people born in between early 80s to early 2000. Just it is the case with other countries, Chinese millennials are often described as “digital natives”, having grown up along with the development of new technologies.

What is unique in China’s millennials who are born around 90’s is the their size – 211 million which is already 5 times larger than their US counterparts. Perhaps not surprisingly, they are also glued to their phones – 50% reported checking their cellphones every 15 minutes.

Social media is the main source information for 70% of Chinese millennials and they spend almost twice the time of Americans watching online videos.

Although Chinese and US millennials online behaviors are similar, the sites and platforms they are using are completely different – primarily due to the fact that all major Western social media platforms are blocked in the Mainland.

They are also big on online shopping and, primarily on mobile and they prefer branded products. Here is more on that.

Chinese millennials market and online behavior infographic

Chinese Millennials Inforgraphic


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