An online market research group, has recently released their new infographic focusing on China’s online shopping trends in the last 3-4 years.

Apart from the obvious fact of continued growth of online commerce in China, a few facts from this presentation could be quite insightful. The first point, that I find particularly interesting, is the fact that 28% of online shoppers turn to online shoppers to find a unique item, perhaps not available or easily found in brick-and-mortar equivalents. This number rises to 41% for people below 25. It means that there is an opportunity for further differentiation of online stores that could take advantage of this trend.

The part on major concerns of online shoppers could also provide an insight on how to improve the experience and make the online shopping process more efficient. Apparently, trust issues, such as the product’s authenticity, is still major issue for nearly 80% of the users.

Other figures, that deserve closer look, are about online travel booking being the fastest growing sector of ecommerce in China as well as the fact that almost a third of all online purchases is made via mobile devices.

Here is the entire infographic:


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