Our Marketing to China Services

Digital Marketing to China

Better brand’s visibility with marketing in China’s digital media landscape

SEO for Baidu, 360Search, Sogou

We perform on-site and off-site optimization for all three major search engines, improving organic visibility of your website in China. Over 95% of all local searches are on Baidu, 360Search and Sogou.

SEM/PPC for Baidu, 360Search, Sogou

We run and manage Pay-per-Click (part of SEM) campaigns on 3 major Chinese search engines: Baidu, 360Search and Sogou, which together cover 90% of the entire online search market in China.

Web localization for China market

Web localization is the first step in marketing to China which involves high quality translation as well as navigation structure, content adjustments, using proper images and symbols and more.

Chinese Social Media Marketing

Marketing to China by promoting your business to China’s 625 million active social media users


SMM via Sina/Tencent Weibo, Youku

Marketing to China also means connecting directly with your customers. We set up, manage and maintain your social media accounts on the most popular platforms visited by millions of Chinese every day: Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo and Youku.


Content creation and promotion

Social media is all about the content, promotion and engagement. We bring all of that together: from content creation for Chinese market, through targeted promotion, to engaging with the followers.

Video campaigns on Youku

No Chinese marketing strategy is complete without engaging visual content, especially videos. We can produce them, and/or do voiceovers on your existing ones, followed by targeted promotion on Youku.

Mobile Marketing in China

Brand marketing to China’s 500 million mobile web users


SMM on WeChat

WeChat has been, by far, the most popular mobile social network in China, connecting millions of people. We specialize in running China marketing campaigns on this platform through an official account that we set up and manage.

Mobile apps for Android, iOS

Native apps for smartphones could be an important element in your marketing to China plan. We also do app development, testing and promotion in Chinese app markets. Android is the most popular in China but we cover iOS as well.

Mobile advertising

Through our partners, we organize China mobile advertising campaigns that include various forms of marketing. Also, by taking advantage of SMS you could reach an estimated 600+ million of potential customers who still use feature phones.

Brand Advertising in China

Brand online advertising to China’s 600+ million netizens

Advertisement in digital media

We arrange for your ads to be placed in wide variety of Chinese digital media: from popular portals and networks to specialized and niche sites that would attract the most qualified traffic.

E-mail marketing

E-mail marketing is a very cost effective strategy in marketing to China. We specialize on effective email marketing campaigns for Chinese market via our large email databases that enable to target users based on many parameters.


Inbound marketing

Through a combination of research, strategic partnerships and engaging content creation we can help your business to attract attention and build trust, resulting in bringing your customers closer to your brand.

Market Research in China

Get reliable data on the local market situation

Competitive analysis

Would you like to know who your local competitors are and what they are doing? We research your target market and provide you with the data allowing you to make the most intelligent decisions on your marketing strategy in China.

Analytics and reports

Analytics, various metrics and reports that we provide, enable you to have a constant 360° view of your marketing campaigns, their progress, efficiency and ultimate ROI. With the reliable data on hand, you will always know where to improve.

Surveys and focus groups

If you are interested in the most current and relevant data on a specific product, service or offer, we can help you to find just the answer you are looking for. Our customized survey and focus groups programs cover wide range of industries and demographics.

Online Technology for Marketing in China

Make your site compatible to China’s digital environment

Local e-commerce integration

Since credit cards or Paypal are not popular in China, reaching 300 million Chinese online shoppers requires integration of local ecommerce and payment solutions. Our team will help you navigate through all the technicalities to get that done.

Local online store management

Taobao, TMall and JingDong are the most popular online stores in China, holding 80% of the market share and processing billions of dollars in transactions weekly. With our help, you can set up your own online store on those platforms and we will manage it for you.

Web design solutions for China

We will take care of your technical needs: from web design that appeals to Chinese audience to specific technology integration that is suitable to local environment. We consult you on the best solutions to optimize your local customers’ experience.

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