Chinese Social Media Marketing

SMM via Sina/Tencent Weibo, Youku


Get connected directly with your customers! We set up, manage and maintain your social media accounts on the most popular platforms visited by millions of Chinese every day: Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo and Youku.

Marketing your brand, product or services in Chinese social media is one of the most important components of the overall marketing strategy for practically any type of business. Since Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are inaccessible from Mainland, Chinese developed a local equivalents with the most popular ones being Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo, RenRen, QZone as well as video hosting platforms such Youku-Tudou.

We specialize on social media marketing via Sina and Tencent Weibo as well as Youku which provide the most value to marketers due to their size, demographics of visitors and subscribers as well as the type of content being shared.

Furthermore, better visibility of your brand on social media ensures higher ranking by search engines, not to mention local searches within the platforms themselves. You should keep in mind that China has over 600 million social media users and each actively follows, on average, 8 different brands.

Content creation and promotion


Social media is all about the content, promotion and engagement. We bring all of that together: from content creation, through targeted promotion, to engaging with the followers.

Even though the phrase “content is the king” is being grossly overused these days, it is still true, and China is no exception. If you have created your own content, such as a corporate blog or Facebook/Twitter feed, our team can translate and re-publish it on social media and/or your Chinese website.

We also work with professional content writers in various areas who can create and strategically place relevant content in social media and popular Chinese forums such as Douban etc. If you require more targeted approach, we will research the relevant venues that are most effective in your case and would be most likely to attract the right audience.

We are also experienced in working with affiliates who specialize in specific areas and market niches that could be an ideal place to publish your content. We will guide you through every step of the way on content creation, translation, publishing and promoting it in order to bring your business closer to your target audience.

Video campaigns on Youku

Nothing works better for brand marketing than engaging visual content, especially videos. We can produce them, and/or do voiceovers on your existing one, followed by targeted promotion on Youku.

Youku is China’s answer to Youtube, which, like Facebook and Twitter, is inaccessible from the Mainland. After acquiring Tudou, the combined Youku-Tudou platform currently holds the dominant market share in video hosting services in China. In addition, thanks to constantly improving internet speeds for both broadband and mobile networks, role of video content continues to grow in importance.

Since videos are one of the most shared type of content, putting out clips about your company and products is essential for a successful marketing campaign in China. If you already have your video, we can republish it on Youku under your corporate account with a proper Chinese voiceover and/or subtitles. We will tag it for maximum exposure and promote your video within the platform as well as through other marketing channels.

Additionally, our partners can take care of your video production for a local market from scratch: from script and storyboarding, to filming and editing, to recording track and voiceover. Finally, we will make sure that your video reaches your target audience in the most efficient manner.

From our blog on China’s social media

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