China continues to dominate worldwide manufacturing market with 30% of country’s vast workforce engaged in the Chinese exports sector, compared to only 8.2% in US. Manufacturing also contributes 30% to China’s GDB which makes it the most important sector of the economy.

According to the latest infographic by Go-Globe that details Chinese exports industry, 25% of manufacturing goes to electronics and 17% to machinery with the rest split between smaller categories such as clothing, furniture, plastics etc.

Another curious fact is featured in the infographic: even though manufacturing is, by far, the larger sector of Chinese economy compared to that of US (30% vs. 8%), in terms of world’s manufacturing output, it is only slightly ahead: 18.9% vs. 18.2% of the US share. This, of course, demonstrates the fact that the productivity of a Chinese worker is still significantly behind an American one. Another explanation is that the level of automation in US factories is still much higher than in China.

Manufacturing for domestic companies is becoming increasingly visible as well: cellphone maker XiaoMi and electronics giant Huawei are ranked as 3rd and 5th respectively in total production.

Chinese exports in figures, infographic by Go-Globe


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